Ejaculation Trainer - Official Website


Sick and tired of Premature Ejaculation?... Continue reading to see how this innovative, yet simple approach can eliminate even the severest case of Premature Ejaculation - 100% Guaranteed.

From: Matt Gorden
Sex Educator & Author

Every time you get started, you're suddenly ready to finish within minutes or even seconds... your body tenses, your breathing gets ragged... and it's all over before it even began.

She looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and amusement... she gives you a pitiful "it's okay", but deep down, she wishes you could last longer and give her the time of a life...

You know it, she knows it, and you can see it in her eyes.

So yeah, prematurely ejaculating is embarrassing... It's humiliating.

And in a way, it's even worse if you're in a relationship. Having to constantly look your partner in the eye after a lame performance can become a real romance killer.

It can be terrible can't it?

After a while, Premature Ejaculation becomes more than just a problem in the bedroom...

Its tentacles can reach many aspects of your life... your self esteem, your mood, your relationship success, and pretty much anything else that revolves around your overall happiness in life.

I'd worry all the time that my girlfriend would eventually cheat on me - after all, if I couldn't satisfy her, surely she'd give up and look for someone who could?...

Well, that's exactly what she did.

Looking back, those were horrible times... so I understand that you're probably going through similar stuff right now.

So if you feel like you're fed up and have had enough... if you're completely frustrated and embarrassed every time you have sex... If all you want is to gain control over your ejaculation and last longer...

Then the Ejaculation Trainer is exactly what you need.

The Ejaculation Trainer has been successfully used by thousands of men worldwide since it's development back in 2008.

Unlike most sources and/or solutions, the Ejaculation Trainer is based on the science of the ejaculatory process and the various biological factors responsible for Premature Ejaculation.

As a result, it addresses Premature Ejaculation more effectively than virtually any other solution currently available.

It will allow you to experience:

"I was able to go for just under an hour on my first attempt"

Birmingham, England

"...Ejaculation Trainer was fantastic. ...I was in total control of my ejaculation for the first time ever..."

Farmington Hills, MI

"I am so happy and relieved that part of my life is over. Thanks Matt!"

Charles H.
Pickering, Ontario

Lancashire, England

"Really unbelievable. You sir, are a genius."

Houston, Texas

"...ended up having the best sex we have ever had in our entire relationship!"

Las Vegas, NV

These are excerpts from REAL users. Their full stories (and others) can be read throughout this page.

In fact, you're very far from alone.

Statistics show Premature Ejaculation is a regular problem for 20-40% of all men. So at any time, 2-4 men out of 10 are suffering... and suffering regularly.

Even though it feels like you've got some kind of terrible disease and it's all your fault, it's really not. Chances are that medically, there's nothing wrong with you.

That's what makes Premature Ejaculation so easy to fix - in most cases, it takes nothing more than a little fine tuning to see major improvements...

It really is easy - and by following my methods, you'll get permanent results, and even last considerably longer tonight (more on that in a minute).

Premature Ejaculation may not be a medical problem for you, but you probably know only too well how much it's affecting your life. Makes things difficult doesn't it?

I know exactly what you're going through...

I've worked as a professional Sex Educator for years now... I've helped numerous couples fix their bedroom problems, and coached many men with Premature Ejaculation...

But for the whole first year doing this, I was suffering from a severe case of Premature Ejaculation.

And when I say severe, I mean it. I couldn't last more than a few seconds... I'm not kidding. The idea of lasting even a minute was crazy to me - if I could have gone for 60 seconds I'd have felt like a porn star...

And all the time, there I am, giving other men advice on how to please their partners and have a happy love life...

...when in reality, I couldn't even please my own girlfriend.

I felt awful - like a fraud if I'm honest. And believe me, I sure tried to beat it. I threw everything that I could at it - the pills, creams, performance condoms, special techniques during sex... all kinds of stuff.

And none of it worked for me.

But do you know the funny thing?

I was trying out all the same "solutions" that I was giving to my clients - and none of them were seeing improvements either. It was about then that I decided I had to put a stop to this. I had to find a solution that worked, and allow myself to stop feeling like such a fake...

And I'll tell you, I discovered something so powerful that I can guarantee it's unlike anything you've ever seen before...

It really can fix your Premature Ejaculation, permanently... you will even see improvements immediately.

What's more, I'm one of the only guys in the world who's revealing this stuff.

More on the actual cure later... for now, I have to share some earth shattering discoveries I made during my research... I'm serious, this stuff will blow you away.

Most men can trace their Premature Ejaculation to one of these 5 things...

(And don't worry, you'll see how to beat them in just a minute)

But anyway, here they are - see which of these apply to you...

1. Genes - The fact is, your body is programmed to use sex for reproduction - and it wants to do that as efficiently as possible. The body wants to ensure your genes are carried down through the years, so it only makes sense that sexually, it's main goal is to ejaculate as quickly as possible.

2. Masturbation - Too much in your teen years may have "re-wired" your ejaculatory reflex for a super quick response. Like it or not, excessive masturbation can cause Premature Ejaculation. Why? Simple, it teaches your body to focus on the wrong things... and when this happens, it's all over.

3. Intensity - For some people, the arousal and stimulation of sex is just too much. That's why it feels like there's no way of stopping once you start... it really can be like a runaway train plummeting down the hill. It almost feels like everything's completely out of your control doesn't it?

4. Lack of the Right Knowledge - Most people have no idea how or why the ejaculatory process works (how it truly works), thus encouraging Premature Ejaculation by default. Once you understand the process though, it doesn't have to be so quick and out of control.

5. Sensitivity - Some of us guys just have bodies that are more sensitive than others. If you've ever felt completely overwhelmed and out of control during sex, this could be you. But don't worry, it's actually an advantage if this applies to you - and you'll soon see why.

And that's it. It sounds tough right now, and you've struggled with this for a long time, but believe me, help is at hand. Some simple adjustments and re-education will work wonders on you.

I'm not just saying that either - you really will be able to see huge improvements in just a short space of time if you follow what you're about to discover.

Well, listen up and I'll explain everything...

Beating your Premature Ejaculation is actually a very simple 3 step process.

Step 1 - Mental Control... Believe it or not, the thoughts running through your head during sex make a huge difference to how long you can last. With a little guidance, you'll learn how to focus on the good stuff and STILL last way longer than you can now.

Step 2 - Hormone Regulation... As I mentioned, understanding the actual process of ejaculation will help you get a long way to sustaining your lovemaking. And once you understand it, you'll know how to regulate the exact hormones that cause you to climax, so you'll automatically last longer...

Step 3 - Physical Control... Lastly, there are a handful of things that are guaranteed to make you climax way sooner than you want to. If you know what they are, you can regulate or eliminate them, and suddenly the whole thing is completely under your control.

A combination of these 3 factors can make huge improvements in your lovemaking. In fact, even with just a very basic understanding it's not unusual to see an instant improvement.

Let me explain how these 3 Steps work to permanently 'cure' Premature Ejaculation...

Don't worry, it's not about practicing 10 hours a day or memorizing anything...

There's nothing tough about this at all. All you need to do is understand the things that trigger your premature ejaculation. And once you can do that, it's a cinch.

You see, whether you know it or not, most men are absolutely clueless when it comes to this. Even if you're actively trying to delay your orgasm each time you make love, chances are you're doing exactly the wrong thing.

Even worse, by doing things wrong, you're actually speeding up the process of ejaculation. Imagine that - the whole time you've been trying to fix things, you've actually been making it worse!

It's important you understand that developing this control isn't very difficult... it's just that doing it even slightly wrong will completely halt your progress - or as I mentioned, make your Premature Ejaculation even worse.

But don't worry. I'll reveal some powerful yet simple techniques you can use to gain full control over your mental triggers... and you'll get it in surprisingly little time.

Every single day, all day, whatever you're doing, your body is a big mess of hormones. Some make you feel one way, some another. But that doesn't matter. Mostly we don't care about them.

But there are 2 hormones that directly influence when you ejaculate.

Don't worry, I'm not going to give you a boring lecture on Chemistry or Biology. Far from it.

But I do know that one of these hormones makes you climax fast, while the other slows you down. Your body produces both of these during intercourse, and I'll show you the smart way to regulate them and use them to your advantage.

By the way - regulating your hormones like this is perfectly safe - the same way it's safe to increase other hormones by lifting weights or running laps.

Addressing the other 2 aspects of Premature Ejaculation can produce great results on their own, but the whole thing gets 5 times as effective once you add the physical aspect to the equation.

You see, when you get down to it, the ejaculatory system in your body is just like any other bodily system. It's just a set of muscles, nerve impulses and glands. So like the other body systems and muscles, it can to an extent be trained, altered, manipulated, and fine-tuned to meet the needs you require of it.

Makes sense when you think about it doesn't it?

You see, right now, your body is wired to ejaculate in a certain way, after a certain amount of time. Maybe it's always been that way, maybe you've accidentally trained it to be that way... who knows?

But you can easily re-wire it if you know what you're doing. You can refine it, and basically reprogram it to respond however you like... and although it's not too difficult, there is in fact some not-well-known knowledge that you MUST know in order to be successful.

You see, there's a very specific set of muscles at work when you ejaculate... and they begin working long before you actually climax.

That's why most of the Premature Ejaculation "cures" you see simply don't work. They'll show you how to strengthen the muscles through exercise (usually PC muscles, though they're not even the most important ejaculatory muscles to begin with), when in reality doing that isn't even going to make any difference.

The most important thing is to understand what muscles make you ejaculate, and the role and significance of each muscle... only then can you effectively manipulate them to behave in the manner you wish..

But if you blindly go exercising away based on the recommendation of some low quality internet article, there's a pretty good chance your enhanced muscle system will actually make you climax faster...

And that's the last thing any of us need, right?

What 99% of Premature Ejaculation programs fail to address is the fact that these muscles are the same ones that cause the problem in the first place.

Bottom line, if you don't learn how these muscles truly work, you're most likely never going to find a permanent solution to your problem.

If you've looked around at all, you've probably seen a ton of other "cures" out there.

There's numbing creams, special condoms... Sprays, pills, audio CDs, and "technique guides".

Well, I can only speak for myself and my clients, but no, those things mostly didn't work for us. I mean, what good is a spray to numb your penis? Do you really want to be covering yourself in weird chemicals every time you have sex for the rest of your life?

Think how difficult that would make things with a new partner...

And aside from all that, there's the "technique guides"...

You've probably seen those too -  thrust, squeeze, think, pinch, pull out and all that jazz.

I mean, really, do you want to do odd things every time you make love? Or would you rather just get down to it and behave completely normal?... AND HAVE FUN WITH NO WORRIES OR PRESSURE.

Earlier, I promised that I would give you some more information on the 'cure' I discovered after all my research.

Instead of telling you how good it worked on me, I want to tell you about my buddy (and client) Dave.

(Dave isn't his real name, but we'll use it for privacy reasons)

At the time, Dave and I had been friends for a little over a year. However, although he knew what I did for a living, it took some time before he got the courage to approach me about his problems with Premature Ejaculation.

I've got to say, Dave had possibly the worst case of Premature Ejaculation I've ever seen. I'm not kidding. The poor guy would go off like a firecracker the second he touched his girlfriend in a sexual way...

Man, I thought I had it bad when I couldn't last a minute, but at least that was during full penetrative sex. Dave was much worse off, and as a result, his entire life was miserable.

To make things even more tense for Dave, he was living under the shadow of a previous failed relationship - the previous partner had left him due to his constant Premature Ejaculation (though she phrased it as "we don't seem to have very good sexual chemistry").

Can you imagine the pressure this must have been putting on this new relationship?

Understandably, he was pretty desperate when he came to me, and obviously I agreed to work with him.

I spent awhile explaining why Premature Ejaculation occurs, and basically gave him all the facts I know about the causes.

Then I gave him a well laid out plan to follow, along with a few ideas and techniques that I thought would help him get a little more control.

Dave promised to work on what I'd shown him, and we agreed to meet again in a week.

Well, when he showed up the following week, I knew something was different, because he just wouldn't stop smiling...

Turns out he had gone from lasting not even ten seconds during light foreplay, to lasting ten whole minutes during full blown intercourse.

And if you've ever had Premature Ejaculation as bad as Dave, you know firsthand that a change like that would in turn change your life.

But it didn't stop there...

By the 4th week, Dave told me he went for a whole hour the night before, and gave his wife two orgasms.

...then after a few words of gratitude, he looked me in the eye and said "I finally feel like a real man."

It was later that evening when I realized just how much this unique approach could help out so many other guys.

So I decided to put it together into an easy to read eBook... every technique, every secret, how to address the problem as a whole, and every single thing I know about eliminating this problem...

Permanent & Immediate Relief From Premature Ejaculation

Whether Premature Ejaculation is new to you, or you've been suffering for years, this could be the very thing you need to get over this obstacle.

And yes, you really can see an improvement by tonight...

Most men are able to last considerably longer the very same day they use it... and things continue getting better day by day, week by week.

Not too far down the road, guys who follow these methods reach a point where Premature Ejaculation is no longer an issue whatsoever...

And as a pleasant surprise, most guys develop a level of ejaculation control that is way beyond what the average Joe is capable of... the average guy, even if he doesn't have PE, is completely oblivious to the knowledge, techniques, and approach you'll learn from the Ejaculation Trainer.

"This is absolutely genius, I can't thank you enough. My previous relationship ended because of my problem. I would last maybe 3-4 minutes at most.

After reading your ebook last night I tried everything you said with my current girlfriend, and with a mix of [METHOD HIDDEN] and [METHOD HIDDEN] I was able to go for just under an hour on my first attempt.

I feel so much better about myself and I owe it all to you, so thanks again for all your help."

Birmingham, England

Well Matt, I'm pleased with the information that I've received. I just changed partners and that's when the topic of PE came up. You see my first partner was completely satisfied with oral and didn't require much vaginal stimulation during sex, so I developed the habit of pleasing myself very quickly after she was satisfied orally.

My other partner is only satisfied with vaginal and clitoral stimulation; more the latter and that started the problem. Sexual encounters were tense and I performed the worst when trying to please her with vaginal intercourse.

However, after reading the material and following your system, there was an instant change in my performance. I started to get compliments from my new partner; this is especially important since she made me aware that she does not ever want to fake an orgasm just to please me.

I am so happy and relieved that part of my life is over. Thanks Matt!"

Charles H.
Pickering, Ontario

Charles and Adam's testimonials are just a few of the powerful success stories you'll see as you continue reading this page...

Because the Ejaculation Trainer is the real deal...

It's a 100% FACT that the Ejaculation Trainer is the most realistic and most effective solution currently available for Premature Ejaculation.

Show me something better, and I'll gladly remove that claim from this page.

If this is starting to sound like the exact thing you want... that's because it probably is...

Imagine - downloading the Ejaculation Trainer right now...

...and tonight - or even this very afternoon - you're able to go for longer than ever before and truly satisfy your partner.

And by this time tomorrow, you're able to go for even longer...

Next week, you're putting in performances any normal guy would be proud of...

By this time next month, you're going full throttle and in complete control of your ejaculation.

"...Your Ejaculation Trainer Ebook put my entire 'problem' into focus. I was coming within a minute of entrance at first, but now I can honestly say that I'm able to give my girlfriend an orgasm every time we have sex.

Funny thing, I bought your Ebook a month ago shortly after the time I started having sex with my girlfriend. Then a week or so later she asked me how I was lasting so much longer haha! That question felt great!"

You see, the real beauty of this system is that you can last as long as you need to.

Can you imagine what it's like being able to finish at the same time as your partner, every time out?

I'll tell you, it's pretty amazing. Whether you're in a relationship or playing the field, being able to finish on demand and satisfy your partner is definitely going to score you some extra points with your lady...

And can you imagine what they'll think when you're ready to go again almost immediately?

Let me tell you, with skills like this, your days of struggling to satisfy a woman are over.

But not being able to satisfy a woman is only half the problem. We both know that Premature Ejaculation causes a lot of difficulty in other areas too.

When I was a sufferer, my general confidence was at an all time low. I found it very hard to meet women, or even get up the confidence to speak to them.

It was extremely stressful, and felt like a burden I just couldn't get rid of no matter how hard I tried. I was always terrified that I'd meet a good woman who likes me, then completely blow it in the bedroom and embarrass myself.

...and when you can't even last a minute, sometimes sex is the last thing you want - even if she's the most beautiful girl in the world.

But don't worry - your days of thinking like that are coming to an end, because I'm revealing Everything in The Ejaculation Trainer.

You'll be given absolutely everything you need to lift the dreadful burden of Premature Ejaculation and take full control of your sex life once and for all.

And even that's not everything... it's just the tip of the sword.

This has worked so well!!!!!!! I've never had good sex before and LITERALLY the day after I got your product I had great sex with my girl....first try!!

I've been struggling with ejaculating like, 10 seconds after penetration. This was the first time it's lasted 10 MINUTES!! I thought I was doomed before.

Really unbelievable. You sir, are a genius. Thank you sooooo much for writing this e-book. Thank you thank you thank you.

In all seriousness... think about what this can do for you...

Can you imagine how good it feels to actually know you can please a woman... to know that whatever happens, you're in control? To know that the outcome is 100% guaranteed to be positive?

Let me tell you, it's a great feeling... It's the embodiment of SEXUAL FREEDOM & RELIEF!!! FINALLY!!!

...at least for guys like you and me that dealt with this stupid, yet very stressful nuisance for years.

Once you learn this crucial knowledge, get the techniques down, and re-wire your ejaculatory reflex... you'll be able to please just about any woman in the world, Literally.

You can go for however long you want, whenever you want.

If you're anything like I was when I had Premature Ejaculation, the idea of meeting new women probably scares you senseless.

Seriously, the pain and embarrassment of explaining to a new partner that you probably can't satisfy them in bed is an extremely humiliating experience.

Sure, some women will tell you they're fine with it, maybe even promise to work with you and whatever...

...but you know as well as I do - deep down she's disappointed - because she wants a guy who knows what he's doing, and can take charge of her body...

A guy that can leave her flushed with passion and giddy with desire...

A guy that she's magnetically drawn to and can't get enough of...

What woman doesn't want that?

The truth is... a healthy sex life is Absolutely Essential to developing/maintaining a healthy and exciting relationship.

And that's one of the reasons this can become such a big issue...

Premature Ejaculation has a way of sabotaging every single interaction you have with the opposite sex... almost as if deep down, you're constantly afraid things will go TOO well, and you'll end up having "the apologetic conversation" with them.

It's just awful isn't it? It's really not fair, but nonetheless it's the way things are.

But everything is going to be okay. You're here, you found the Ejaculation Trainer... so rest assured, you're on the right path to a healthy sex life.

"...after a couple of intimate encounters with my wife, my performance and endurance has increased significantly. My wife has been satisfied the last three times, which is more than I even hoped for.

In particular, the [METHOD HIDDEN] technique, your advice to [METHOD HIDDEN] and [METHOD HIDDEN] has helped the most."

So imagine this instead...

Imagine meeting a new girl in a bar, or maybe at a party.

She's smoking hot, but you've got the confidence to talk to her. Because you know you've got the abilities to turn her into a quivering wreck in the bedroom.

You don't have some dreadful secret that you're too embarrassed to tell anyone about.

So you take her home, and you give her a night to remember.

The next day, there's no embarrassment, no shame - just the glow on her face as she recovers from an experience she's probably never had before.

Oh and one last thing - she'll probably want to see you again too. There won't be any hurried excuses to leave, or ignored phone calls in the future.

When you can perform like this on demand, she'll be the one chasing you.

But hey, with all the scams and misleading claims on the internet these days, I don't expect you to just take my word for this...

All of the testimonials on this website are absolutely 100% authentic and unaltered, save for a few grammatical errors that have been corrected (though some minor errors were left alone).

These testimonials are from actual users of the Ejaculation Trainer. In addition, they were NOT paid in advance or given an incentive of any kind to use the Ejaculation Trainer. They're just regular guys like you and me who were struggling with Premature Ejaculation, and decided to do something about it - and found success with this system.

Adelaide, South Australia

"...I read all the material during the first night I received it and started putting the concepts to action.

I had improvements quickly at first, going from less than five minutes initially, to now, a month later, almost 20 minutes of fully satisfying intercourse, and I am still getting better week by week.

It has made my sex life stronger, more fulfilling, and much more satisfying for both of us. It's amazing how much my confidence has risen in the last month; when I can look at my fiancee and smile because I know that I fully satisfy her sexual desires."

"I have been meaning to email you my results...

I was a bit skeptical at first since the internet is the internet, but I was at the end of the rope and had to at least try something. That is where you came in. My performance has now improved and my confidence has elevated to the level it used to be.

The best thing about all this is that your techniques worked for me after just a few days, which based on the name 'Ejaculation Trainer' I thought I might be getting into some kind of intense training program.

...Thanks for the help Matt, it came just in time. My wife said to thank you as well!"

Robert C.
Houston, MO

"Matt, your e-trainer has greatly improved my sex life and relationship. I used to be so frightened to get to that stage with a girl. Because of my PE, I honestly have never been able to last more than 30 seconds.

...It's a weight off my shoulders knowing I can satisfy the both of us. The first night I had sex after reading the e-trainer, I lasted around 10 minutes longer than any time before. Being just a simple book, it works a lot better than I ever thought it could.

It has made me a new man, and changed my relationship, and my life. Much thanks, Matt."

Lancashire, England

"I am 61 years old and PE has plagued me most of my adult life. I would use oral sex first in order to satisfy my wife. Your instructions opened up my thinking as to what was really going on, and it was quite easy to employ.

I am not exactly where I want to be just yet, but I am a great deal ahead of where I used to be. In addition to my own improvements, my wife has established a sex drive unlike before because she knows she will have an orgasm now.

Overall, the results have been great up to this point. It has helped me get rid of a problem that has been with me my entire life. I would like to offer you my thanks for providing a well researched and accurate product that truly has improved the quality of our marriage."

I strongly believe, as countless men can testify to, that this is the best solution you will find for Premature Ejaculation - whether you're seeking a permanent fix, or an immediate one.

Everything you need to know is covered in this simple online program. After you learn and apply the information, you will gain complete control over your ejaculation.

*Sure, other eBooks may provide improvements that could be considered 'permanent', but these improvements rarely come in the form of true relief, which can only be achieved by addressing the underlying causes and contributing factors of premature ejaculation. What they offer is nothing more than 'permanent masking techniques'... an approach that's not only ill-advised, but unlikely to produce measurable results in the first place.

When it all comes down to it, the Ejaculation Trainer is the best solution for Premature Ejaculation because of one simple fact:

When it comes to Premature Ejaculation, the only way to truly improve yourself is to learn control over your body, mind, and the ejaculation process. Those other products do nothing but mask the problem.

In addition to the learning and improving aspect, you also have to re-wire your ejaculatory reflex so it can handle harder and longer stimulation. This is something no other solution even comes close to achieving (eBook or not).

It really doesn't take much thought to realize that the Ejaculation Trainer is a much better solution when compared to pills, creams, sprays, and other knowledge-based products.

Those other products will not provide significant results that'll improve your situation to a permanent, satisfactory level.

Heck, the majority of those won't even deliver significant results to begin with.

Most importantly, they also don't offer long-term results, along with acquiring the 'Natural Ability' to Last Longer. You'll have to buy them for the rest of your life - which would equate to thousands of dollars down the drain.

In regards to the most Efficient and Effective Premature Ejaculation 'Cure'...

Which as I've conveyed, is essentially knowledge, methods, alterations, and guidance that is/are accurate, practical, efficient, and effective at addressing every aspect of Premature Ejaculation - and can deliver permanent and substantial results that can actually be noticed and appreciated by the user...

...there's a handful of decent products available (though few and far between), but even those are lacking in some way or another - usually ignorant of the fact that Premature Ejaculation is a MULTIFACETED PROBLEM, and therefore requires a MULTIFACETED SOLUTION that addresses each and every facet/cause of premature ejaculation - both specifically and as a whole.

The Statements Above Are 100% Fact

In truth, most of the information circulating the internet (and elsewhere) is simply inaccurate and/or incomplete. It's just a bunch of rehashed trash about PC muscle exercises, bogus visualization methods or 'thought techniques', and a load of other absurd and nonsensical information.

At best. you might see improvements to a small degree. However, this is typically the result of temporarily masking the problem with various 'techniques', instead of addressing the root causes and other factors responsible for premature ejaculation - which is the only way to permanently end premature ejaculation.

I'll provide you with many quick-fix techniques as well, and although they're effective, the main purpose of the Ejaculation Trainer is to address every aspect of the problem - you shouldn't have to use quick-fix techniques every time you have sex for the rest of your life.

1. Effectiveness - I've put a strong focus on developing the most effective ejaculation control method possible. My original research that lead to the Ejaculation Trainer methods involved researching/testing dozens of different techniques and concepts, and then choosing which were the best based on the results they produced.

In addition to that, I have thoroughly researched and studied the functions of the human body, the male sexual response, and how the ejaculatory reflex operates.

I know everything there is to know about Premature Ejaculation, and I will gladly pass it ALL on to you.

All of this research and real-life-testing resulted in a very accurate understanding of Premature Ejaculation and why it occurs, which ultimately allowed my team and I to develop the most effective ejaculation control program available.

Most importantly, we made sure that everything we developed made sense from a scientific standpoint...

On the flipside, most of the 'methods' being offered elsewhere actually contradict known scientific facts of the human body and male ejaculatory process! Go figure.

2. Ease of use - The Ejaculation Trainer was specifically designed to be a very simple course. One of the main reasons men can't control their ejaculation is because they don't understand what they're doing. Because of this, I designed the Ejaculation Trainer to be extremely user friendly and laid out in a step-by-step format.

Other programs make things so confusing, that deciding where to begin or what exactly to do can leave you running in circles. I'm not going to throw you a list of 100 techniques and say go for it...or not explain to you how and why everything works.

My goal was to develop an easy to use, yet highly effective program that only focuses on what works the best. I could have easily focused on quantity and put a bunch of fluff out there, but quality and your success is what's most important to me.

3. It's all Natural - When it comes to something like Premature Ejaculation, natural is without a doubt the best way to go. Besides the permanent benefits, you also get to hold onto your pride and dignity, knowing you can last longer ALL BY YOURSELF.

The problem with most other eBooks/programs is that they mainly require you to use 'techniques' to combat Premature Ejaculation. The bad thing about this is that you're not naturally lasting longer, you're just using a technique...

So with other methods, the core of the problem still remains.

In the Ejaculation Trainer we cover techniques of course, but our main concept involves you training yourself to naturally last longer. This involves re-wiring the ejaculatory reflex, learning some critically important knowledge, and making changes in the way you have sex (what you think, feel, do, etc.)...

...and all of this will dramatically increase the amount of time you can go before reaching ejaculation.

Don't get me wrong, techniques do have their place. In fact, we include 18 quick-fix techniques you can use to immediately last longer, even this very day.

But you have to understand that although these types of techniques can be beneficial, they will not permanently solve your Premature Ejaculation. Only the Ejaculation Trainer can accomplish this.

The Ejaculation Trainer is the most advanced, practical, and effective solution available for Premature Ejaculation. It's as simple as that - and a fact you will soon confirm for yourself.

If you've thoroughly gone over this site, then surely you can see this isn't just my biased opinion...

I KNOW what's being offered elsewhere, as you probably do as well. I think I've been very honest and forthcoming with this explanation of the Ejaculation Trainer and how/why it works for premature ejaculation - and why it's #1.

It all makes perfect sense, as logic always does - and not surprisingly, this is why it's so much more effective than all those other solutions.

The Ejaculation Trainer is - beyond the shadow of a doubt - the best option you will EVER find to Permanently END your struggles with Premature Ejaculation.

I'm a man of integrity, and I truly want to help you - I stake my reputation on the claim above.

If you're suffering from any degree of Premature Ejaculation at all, you've probably realized by now just how much the Ejaculation Trainer has to offer you.

So do me a favor, and think about that...

I'll get to the costs in just a second... which, by the way, is nowhere near what you're thinking, I promise.

Think about how much something like this could improve your life.

Imagine your life without the fear, or the frustration.

All embarrassment is gone. You're no longer afraid to get intimate with women... in fact you welcome it, just like any red blooded man should.

After all, sex should be fun right? It's not something you should dread, or become stressed over.

And that's exactly how things will be after using the Ejaculation Trainer.

You won't have to worry about women talking behind your back, or secretly wishing you didn't have this problem... and you'll no longer have a dirty secret to share with any future partners. If you've ever struggled with trying to tell someone about your Premature Ejaculation, you know how tough and humiliating it can be.

But all of that could be over for you in just a few minutes from now.

I'll be completely honest with you...

When I suffered from Premature Ejaculation in the past, I would have paid just about anything to get rid of it.

Quite frankly, if someone came along and offered me a guaranteed solution for even a thousand dollars, I'd have jumped on the chance right then and there.

But I'm not going to ask you for a thousand dollars here... Not even close.

 (UPDATE: Keep reading and you'll see we're currently offering a huge discount off the regular price)

I am utterly convinced that the Ejaculation Trainer will work for you...

...it worked for me and thousands of other guys, and I'm 100% sure that it will be the same for you.

So I'm willing to take all the risk onto my shoulders, and make sure that this is a complete no-brainer purchase for you.

If you go ahead and order this right now, you get 60 days to try it out.

So you can download it, and put the method to the test within minutes from now.

Try the techniques, learn and apply the information, and make the necessary changes in your life. Watch it work for yourself. Experience the satisfaction of knowing you can go longer and harder.

And at any point during that time, if you're not happy, you get every red cent back, no questions asked.

So if it doesn't work for you...

If you don't see the results you want...

Or even if you just plain old don't like it...

You still get your money back.

And don't worry, this isn't one of those guarantees where I ask you to prove that it didn't work for you.

Buddy, it doesn't matter if you even try it.

This guarantee is set in stone, and there's no questions asked. So if you want your money back, you got it, done deal.

I'll pat you on the back, give you a virtual handshake, and send you on your way...

You've probably come across guarantees with other products you've found... but I'll bet none of them were this long, or unconditional...

You see, I know for a fact that this method works... So I have no problem backing it up with a rock solid guarantee like that.

Take advantage of me right now, and try out the Ejaculation Trainer on my dime.

The Ejaculation Trainer has been used by over 41,000 men over the last 8+ years...

Making it the Top Selling eBook for Premature Ejaculation since 2008 to the present day.

Why do you think that is?...

Because it actually WORKS. It isn't one of those cheap 'eBook guides' with a bunch of useless techniques. Thousands of dollars and months of research & development were put into this.

Everything you need to FULLY understand and cure Premature Ejaculation is covered here...

You'll learn my scientifically proven system to permanently end Premature Ejaculation...

Additionally, there are plenty of other techniques and information to help you prevent it, and finally gain control over when you ejaculate.

All the various causes and other factors of Premature Ejaculation are covered as well...

...and how to effectively address each one.

The Ejaculation Trainer is very easy to comprehend. It's designed to work for any man, no matter how severe their premature ejaculation.

I won't bore you with 300 pages of worthless fluff. This eBook is fairly straightforward and shouldn't take more than a few hours to finish.

After using the Ejaculation Trainer, you will quickly be on your way to ending Premature Ejaculation once and for all.

In all honesty, there are few (if any) other solutions currently available that can deliver equal results.

This little eBook is a Gold Mine...

It contains 18 simple techniques that are 100% proven effective as an immediate cure for Premature Ejaculation.

I assure you - these innovative techniques are completely original and exclusive to EjaculationTrainer.com...

They will be the most effective quick-fix methods you've ever used - PERIOD.

The Ejaculation Trainer eBook will definitely put you in position to start lasting longer immediately, and is your ticket to real success...

... but you probably won't master everything overnight. Like anything, it takes a bit of patience to permanently cure premature ejaculation.

Anyone that tells you otherwise is either trying to scam you, or is just incredibly ignorant.

However, with this eBook... Lasting 10, 20, or even 30+ minutes TONIGHT is not only possible...

...it's in fact quite likely.

And these are not the same rehashed and worthless techniques found on other sites...

They're much more advanced and effective than most others - and cannot be found anywhere else online.

Think of the Secret Weapon as an
'add-on' to the Ejaculation Trainer...

You'll get the same results (possibly better), except it'll be much faster because the re-wiring of the ejaculatory reflex will be more efficient.

It's like comparing the results of a bodybuilder on steroids vs. one without steroids (minus the nasty side effects of course).

By the way, this is NOT an 'audiobook'. It's something entirely different, and I guarantee there's absolutely NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT ANYWHERE.

Well, it's a Secret Audio - and is only revealed to those who get the Ejaculation Trainer.

The Secret Weapon was developed with state-of-the-art software.

It's based on a treatment model that's been successfully used throughout the health and wellness industry for years, and for countless health nuisances and ailments.

However, this is the first time it's ever been used for Premature Ejaculation.

The Ejaculation Trainer will work wonders... but the Secret Weapon does something that no eBook can possibly do.

The innovation behind the Secret Weapon truly is astounding.

Another benefit of the secret weapon is that it requires little effort... in fact, you'll likely enjoy it!

If used consistently, don't be surprised to see your 'natural ability' increase at a much faster rate... it's a very, very effective tool to combine with the other eBooks.

There are NO membership fees to use the Ejaculation Trainer package.

You get FREE Access to all future updates... new techniques, products, advice, and more...

Earlier I promised you a great price for this, and I wasn't kidding.

This is a truly life changing product, so you may be thinking that you're looking at a life changing price, but you're really not.

Getting your copy of the acclaimed Ejaculation Trainer eBook is a fast and easy process. You can get this eBook any time of the day or week, and nothing on your bank statement will show as 'Ejaculation Trainer' or other identifiable terms with Premature Ejaculation.

Clickbank is our product vendor. They are the largest retailer of downloadable digital products, having served millions of customers worldwide since 1998. Clickbank offers a fast, safe, and secure checkout experience, and will provide you with immediate access to the Ejaculation Trainer after purchasing.

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Instant Access Online - Click Here!

Look, let's be straight with each other...

After all, what else would you do with a tiny amount of cash like that?

What else could you do with it?

Maybe have a night out with your buddies?

Put it towards a new video game?

Pay your cell phone bill?

Yes, you could do those things, but guess what?

After you do that, you'll still have a horrible, embarrassing case of Premature Ejaculation...

It's NOT going to go away by itself... you MUST take action. I don't mean to sound harsh, but this is the truth. If you don't take action against this problem, it will not get any better - if anything, your body and ejaculatory reflex will become even more habituated to early ejaculation, making it that much more difficult to reverse..

This is your chance to rid yourself of this nuisance. If you go ahead and order right now, you can say goodbye to Premature Ejaculation once and for all.

What would you rather do?

Waste fifty bucks on passing the time, or invest it on something that's going to make you feel better and more fulfilled every single day for the rest of your life?

This really is an incredible opportunity... once you've got the Ejaculation Trainer on your side, you will never have to deal with the humiliation of Premature Ejaculation ever again. EVER.

Having sex will be fun... just like it should be.

So order now and make Premature Ejaculation a thing of the past.

There are two possible futures for you... and they both unfold from what you do in the next 3 minutes.

One path leads to the same life you've always had:

You'll always struggle with Premature Ejaculation.

You'll always struggle to satisfy any woman at all.

And you'll always struggle with the fact that your lady would be much more sexually satisfied and captivated by you, if only your lovemaking was more passionate, intense, and longer lasting.

Your relationships will always be poisoned, and you'll always live in doubt about whether you're good enough (sexually) for your partner.

And let's not forget about the embarrassment and constant reminder that you're inadequate at the ONE thing every man wants to be good at.

I have been in your exact same position.

I know what it's like to live with Premature Ejaculation - I completely understand what you're going through...

The fear of embarrassing myself and looking like an inexperienced little boy...

The thought that my girlfriend would eventually get bored with our pathetic sex life and find someone else...

And the absolute dread of knowing that I'll be this way for the rest of my life since nothing seemed to help no matter what I did/used or how hard I tried (and I tried virtually everything out there!).

So you can choose between that life...

You can choose the other path - a life where Premature Ejaculation and all it's baggage no longer exist.

Get the Ejaculation Trainer right now, and put an end to Premature Ejaculation for good... and become a better and happier man as a result - Starting Right Now.

The Ejaculation Trainer has the power to literally transform your life...

You'll always satisfy your partner - no matter how wild she is or how big of an appetite she has.

You'll always be in control of exactly when you ejaculate.

You'll always be comfortable and confident in your sexual ability... no more worries about performance or anything else, because it will all be under YOUR control.

The Embarrassment. The Self-Doubt. The Helplessness. The Annoyance. The Humiliation of Blowing Early...


But listen up - Not seizing this opportunity and hoping your Premature Ejaculation will go away by itself is just wishful thinking that will get you nowhere...

Putting it off for some other day is just going to make your ejaculatory reflex even more habituated to ejaculating prematurely, and therefore more difficult to reverse your situation.

I can't do this for you - You have to take action yourself and grab this chance while you still can...

Click the order button below, and finally live a life free of Premature Ejaculation.

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For your privacy, the charge on your statement will show as 'CLKBANK*COM'.

Instant Access Online - Click Here!

Listen, this really could be the thing you're looking for.

I mean, if you really want to end your Premature Ejaculation, and fast, this is the best solution available. And I advise people on this stuff professionally.

But here's something else to think about...

What If You Don't Buy It?

You've probably already experienced what it's like to have your 'condition' ruin a relationship.

Do you want that to happen again... over and over?

Because without this system, it's virtually impossible that it'll ever go away. So your inability to satisfy a woman will continue, and you'll continue to resent yourself.

But as time passes, it will get worse...

Your body and ejaculatory reflex will become even more accustomed to ejaculating early, making your Premature Ejaculation much harder to fix.

You will also struggle in your relationship, or even have trouble finding a woman in the first place.

It will probably get to a point where it's so bad, you can't even bring yourself to meet new women.

How can you project confidence, masculinity, and attractiveness to a woman when you know deep down they'll be disappointed and unsatisfied with your performance in the bedroom?

Unless you're a brilliant actor, your self-doubts (about your sexual capabilities) will be written across your forehead no matter how you try to project yourself. Women can tell if a man has low confidence and/or low sexual magnetism within 5 seconds of meeting.

Unless you want to end up like that, hit the order button right now.

I'm waiting on the other side, and I'm going to show you how to beat Premature Ejaculation - for good.

P.S. Don't forget, this is an absolutely no risk purchase. You're covered by my rock solid guarantee, so you get to try the whole system out for 60 days, and get a full refund at any time if it doesn't help. Try it out, see if it works for you, and if you're not happy you'll get a prompt and full refund - no questions asked.

P.P.S. You really are standing at a crossroads - the way your life unfolds from here is completely up to you. But think about this... you've struggled long and hard with your Premature Ejaculation, and right now you're just minutes away from permanently curing it.

Isn't it about time that you put this behind you and start living the rest of your life? Once you're rid of this horrible condition it will feel like you've stepped out from under a black cloud.

Now is the time for action - Order the Ejaculation Trainer and take control of your life - starting this very minute.

Lancashire, England

"Matt, your Ejaculation Trainer was fantastic. My confidence has been much better after learning and practicing the techniques you wrote about in the ebook.

To be honest I hooked up with a 58 year old woman since reading your book and it was a great time because I was in total control of my arousal and ejaculation for the first time ever. Great product! Keep up the good work and thank you very much for including the other ebooks with the purchase!"

Farmington Hills, MI

"Thank god I found your ebook. I tried the [METHOD HIDDEN] with my new girlfriend and what a difference. Before I got your ebook I seriously thought she wasn't that in to me and wouldn't be sticking around for much longer, but that thought has completely left my mind.

All I have done so far is the [METHOD HIDDEN], but with that alone I am enjoying a pretty normal sex life for the first time ever. I used to last 30-60 seconds, but when doing the [METHOD HIDDEN] and a few other tweaks it can be up to 20-30 minutes, which is fantastic for both of us. I am now having sex 4 or 5 nights a week and it's great every time.

I have always been able to pull crumpet thanks to my good looks/body and my game. The only thing holding me back was the problems with PE, so thanks a lot for the ebook and advice from your last email."

Manchester, England

"Thanks for everything, I had sex for the first time in a while a month ago with my new girlfriend and gave her one of the best penetrational orgasms ever!"

Croydon, England

"Hey Matt, I am just writing to let you know that I bought your book and that it is, honestly, great. One can see the research done, and through your book you share this knowledge in an easy to read format.

Thank you very much, your book really answered all doubts and questions I had about premature ejaculation. I honestly can't thank you enough."

Francisco J. Garcia
Laredo, TX

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"Thanks for replying, I tried [METHOD HIDDEN] the last couple nights as you advised, and I am up to 15 minutes and everything is looking good so far..."

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!! My name is Travis and I'm pretty sure that I have the best success story ever!!!

I could barely last 1 minute so I bought your book, after I read it nothing changed it happened four more times but I am known for reading but not truly paying attention, so I read it again and really focused on my reading and no lie the next night me and my girl did it 3 times in my bed, 1st was a half hour next 2 were an hour then we went swimming in my pool and did it in there for 30 min and then after that we took a shower together and did the deed for another hour!!!!!! no lie I'm so so happy and it was the best money I have ever spent.

You say you aren't a doctor, but in my eyes you are because you did more for me than any doctor ever has. I can't thank you enough. Honestly you gave me the best gift in the world and that's my pride, confidence, and my feeling of being a true man again."

"I read your Ejaculation Trainer immediately, could not put it down! We read almost the entire thing out loud together and discussed it with each other. This subject is very difficult for us, mostly because it triggers his feelings of self doubt and things along those lines.

I didn't expect us to be intimate last night, but we cuddled up in bed together and ended up having the best sex we have ever had in our entire relationship! It is clear as a bell now what has been going on! We were able to make love for a LONG time with NO STRESS."

Las Vegas, NV

"Like other methods I tried, I was skeptical. I tried a lot of things, and spent a lot of money on other junk that just didn't work. Once I started reading what it was about, it made perfect sense.

I cannot believe the difference I noticed that same week. My sex life has exploded into a whole new ball game. I am very happy, and so is she!! No more wondering if she is going to climax, I'm in control of that.

The Ejaculation Trainer is the #1 Solution for Premature Ejaculation. Permanent and Immediate results are Guaranteed.

If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to go over this page and you'll see exactly how the Ejaculation Trainer works, and why it stands out from the crowd as the #1 solution currently available.

FACT: Your problems with Premature Ejaculation will only become worse over time if you don't take action and thoroughly address the issue. I have the answers you seek, and I sincerely want to help you.

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